Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rooster Combs and ?

The flowers will soon be gone, so I took a few pictures, I wish I had taken them sooner while they were all still pretty. These Rooster Combs are in my daughter Angies yard.

This is my daughter Vondas back yard. I dont know what this plant is , but I really like it. Yes the pump really works, it is in a well that runs over most of the time. She has already turned the barrell upside down for the winter.

I wish I had gotten pictures while everything was still pretty.


Janet, said...

I love the rooster combs! I had some years ago. Is that pump where Aunt Irma used to live?

Vera said...

Yea, that is Aunt Irmas old place

Shirley said...

Those rooster combs are really pretty. I pass by them practically every day. Angie always has pretty flowers.